Get ready for an epic deck-builder about 2 starships in a desperate battle!

The Kickstarter is coming…

Join the Fleet today!

Play System cards to enhance your ship with new abilities!

Then pair those Systems with the proper Crew to gain the upper hand!

The Last Command…

is a detail-oriented space combat strategy game, lovingly crafted to simulate the relationship between a starship and its crew.

Elements include:

  • Worker Placement

  • Dual Deck Building

  • Resource Management

Dozens of beautiful illustrations from our dedicated artist make the game come to life. We are adding new artwork constantly, so check back soon for more!

Beautiful new prototypes, just in time for Pax Unplugged!

Working on an absolutely beautiful neoprene playing mat!

(We will also be including folding mats in box)

(please note the below is work in progress only, many elements are being improved and finished)


Our Newest Additions!

Meet our newest Engineer, Micah!

Micah has survived to this day in history by not always being seen as the sharpest tool in the shed. His methods, while seemingly dangerous and idiotic, are actually rather brilliant.

Having him with you in this final battle may end up saving the day.

“Hey one way or another I get the job done… You say it’s not a good idea to jumpstart a dead generator with my Tesla gun? I say, more power to ya.” - Micah


Never fear!

Colonel Comodo

is here!

What a classy Croc! Obsessed with puns, style, chivalry all things weaponry, he likes to keep it simple…

“Look I don’t need to compare, your gun isn’t bigger than mine…”. - Comodo

Ok maybe he isn’t all that classy, but he knows what he’s doing.

Falling behind? Let the new Railgun be your hero!

Able to deal massive amounts of damage based on the malfunctions your ship has been inflicted with.

The technology is impressive but not at all modern, rather it seems to somehow channel its lethal potential by some otherworldly means.

Game Balance Notes 1/13/24:

Rulebook Updated, 2 new variant play styles added, rule adjustments, typo's fixed and more.

Scrizzian Maul: This card has always been wildly powerful, and it saw a slight debuff in that we removed its innate 2 damage. This brings it into the same arena as the Railgun, while allowing other cards to shine more (especially some of the ones we have buffed).

Hydra Missile & Combat Drones: Credits are less often generated by mid to late game when cards like these 2 really get a chance to shine. As such I have lowered the resupply cost to keep these cards in play from 3-2. If you keep some credits around that makes these very efficient and effective as no power damage dealers.

Repair Bot & Shield Drone: Both of these cards have had the amount of repair the provide upped by 1, while also upping the power cost by 1. This makes the cards more effective while spending power from what is suppose to be a very power hungry system. Ultimately this has already made the cards feel more useful.

Guardian Crystal: The old System Bonus ability wasn't great so we replaced it with a SCRAP ability that also provides a small amount of power to a system. This card now has some combo potential, check it out!

Fleet Support: The System Bonus ability has been upgraded to allow you to move 2 crew members from one system to another. Awesome Power management and combo potential.

Crew Cards have seen some general re balancing and visibility improvements. Additionally, 2 new Ranks have been added, Cadet (starting crew) and Lt. Commander (basically the old Commander rank). The reasons for this are kind of complicated to explain quickly but ultimately, it’s just adding a bit more to the game. Crew cards will be seeing addition professional graphic design updates this month!

System Card Icon visibility: We have added a backplate to the graphic design on System Cards behind the System Icons to make them pop more. This should help a lot with color blind accessibility, while also just looking cooler.

Visit the Steam Mod page to discuss this update!

Game Balance Notes 2/13/24:

Rulebook Updated with various quality improvements, as well as some rule updating.

Hydra Missile & Combat Drones: Lowered resupply cost further from last months update from 2-1. These cards needed to be further incentivized to be valuable when compared to other cards with similar abilities.

Crew Card Graphic Design Improvements: It is what it sounds like! We have improved the design on Crew Cards to make them fit better into the game. Looking good!

Starting Crew Changed Over From Ensigns to Cadets: This change has made it easier to quickly identify the difference between the starting crew in the game and recruitable Ensigns.

Crew Rank Card Quantities Adjusted: The amount of recruitable crew in the game has been reduced from 30 to 24. Most of the reduction was just due to there being an unnecessary amount of Ensigns and Lieutenants in the game. As a bonus the reduction has allowed us to hit a cheaper development threshold. Rejoice!

Lieutenant Commander Rank Added: Part of balancing out crew rank quantities better has led to me adding a new rank to the game, Lieutenant Commanders. Basically, they are just the old Commanders, with Commanders now having new abilities. Basically, it’s just added a bit more to the game.

More to come…